Happytastical Ipporo
Sunday, January 23, 2011 4:30 PM
recent pchatting
been a while since I was on that thing. There was one more but it's on saved log atm (We sort of want to finish it off) so I only have this atm.Briefers (Tetsu) + Panty(mine) collab :_; Would have finished it but some ninjas came by and cleared our log while we were asleep. I guess we'll try again next time.
Monday, January 17, 2011 10:10 PM
I heart company
Thursday, January 6, 2011 9:15 AM
Mrh random spam is spammy
I actually spent a whole night listening to Daisuke Ishiwatari GG/BB music while scraping this out of a mob of scrawls. I wish it were possible for normal people to draw well, voice act, write awesome music, and actually do something with is all AND be relatively successful with the outcome all the while having the galls to shoot school in the face.
Only in Japan...where the porn thrives and the ideas are just a massive blob of weird.
Responding to the comment that my art was apparently not "anime" enough.
Let's play spot the change 8D
I don't do fanservice often...if my parents saw this I don't really know how they'd react...
But girl bodies are fun to draw. Convenient censorship...more-so.